Get to know me.</p> — David Kavaler Art Direction

Get to know me.

Hi, I'm Dave.

I'm an art director, photographer, graphic designer, and video editor. I live in Berlin, Germany.

I'm cool under pressure. I strive for perfection. I appreciate the small stuff, and I shower daily — because that's where they keep all the best ideas.

When I was 14 I used Photoshop for the first time. Pivotal.
At 17, I got a hold of my parents' Canon A-1, 35mm camera. Game changer.
I wiped away a thick layer of dust. I put in a roll of film. I never looked back. 

These days, whether I'm shooting portraits in the studio, out on location, or behind the computer crafting a brand campaign, one thing is always a constant— 

I love to create.


Inspiration is for amateurs —
the rest of us just show up and get to work.

— Chuck Close


But if you're looking for inspiration...